It is reciprocation, small though it may be in comparison. We can be eyes for those who once watched out for us; we can be support to feeble limbs that once bore us along the way. Mostly, we can be a light for our loved ones as their world here dims. Caregivers, your tasks are many and your labor is sometimes long. But take heart; you bring honor to your loved ones and to yourselves .

The Other Prodigal

"He has come home too late.  Nobody has seen him from afar and run joyfully to meet him.  There will be no forgiveness, no best robe, no ring, no “music and dancing”.  He stands in his shabby clothes with his poor, roped suitcase.  A beaten-up car- the last trace of his squandered wealth- parked in the background.  He is gaping, with his hand to his mouth, at the ruin of the family homestead, ruin caused by his own greed and wastefulness.